Emerge EXP specializes in creating mixed media art, interactive installations, and sensory-rich art experiences designed to inspire curiosity, creativity, connection, and play. As a member of the Midvale Art House, we are committed to collaborating with other artists and local business owners to build a strong and inclusive arts and culture district and to enrich the lives of our community members through art experiences.

Our Origin Story

Welcome to Emerge EXP. My name is Lulu, and my journey to creating Emerge EXP is as vibrant and textured as the art experiences we offer. I’ve always felt the magnetic pull of creativity and art, but fears and conventions kept me from pursuing a full-time art career for many years. I have found my way through many careers and have taken every opportunity to make and use art and aesthetic experiences whenever possible. I’ve been a college professor, a martial arts instructor, a mindfulness teacher, an entrepreneur, a mental health counselor, a psychedelic journey guide, a designer, and a content creator. One theme has remained constant through each of these roles: creating memorable and transformational experiences that move and empower people!

In each career, I’ve been able to learn how to use art and aesthetics to engage people in a meaningful way. I also saw firsthand the power of letting go of “shoulds” and embracing new possibilities–both in myself and others. I’ve always encouraged my students and clients to be brave, to experiment, to investigate the rules that restrained them, to pursue their true desires, and to express their authentic selves. When I took this encouragement to heart, Emerge EXP was born.

Through art, creativity, and a willingness to moving toward my dreams in spite of fear and challenges, I have found a freedom like I’ve never experienced and a remarkable way to help others find theirs. I’m excited for all of the alchemical and transformational experiences we will create together!

Emerge EXP Mission and Personal Invitation to You

Emerge EXP logo

At Emerge EXP, our mission is simple yet profound: We create sensory-rich art experiences that invite you (and us) to explore new possibilities, let go of limiting beliefs, and connect more deeply with yourself and others. We believe that art can be a gateway to transformation for both the creator and the beholder.

  • We are deeply vested in providing meaningful art experiences that encourage the dreamer and quiet the critic within.
  • We strive for inclusivity and accessibility in our art experiences.
  • We partner with others to support artists and to craft experiences with detailed care and creativity.
  • Our experiences are intentionally designed to ignite your imagination and encourage you to step beyond your comfort zone in a playful and safe way.

If you’re longing to set your “shoulds” aside and give yourself permission to play, Emerge EXP will provide you with many opportunities. Please consider this a personal invitation to break free, discover, and emerge! Please add your name and email to the list to be notified of our art experiences and installations.

Artist Statement for Lulu McPharlin, Artist and Founder of Emerge EXP

Lulu McPharlin is a mixed-media artist from Salt Lake City, Utah, known for creating alchemical visual art and sensory-rich experiences to surprise, delight, and inspire people. She incorporates photography, collage, and acrylic painting in her visual art and integrates visual art, sound, scent, taste, and interaction to create immersive and memorable installations and events.

She loves teaching people new ways to engage with art for improved mental health and wellbeing and creating opportunities for them to do so. Her art invites people to delve into themes of self-exploration, liberation, societal expectations, humans as art and nature, and mindfulness. She hopes her work will inspire you to play, to connect deeply with yourself and others, and to follow your dreams boldly at any and every age.

Check out some pieces from Lulu’s portfolio here!